Sunday, June 21, 2015

Parker's Four Month Photo

I was actually very prompt in taking Parker's four month photo earlier this month. The weekend after he was four months, I took the photos. And they were good ones - I got a series of him rolling over from back to front. What I wasn't so good at was blogging them timely. And then earlier today, while I went to take care of laundry, I left my phone unattended with Evelyn, who proceeded to type in the wrong password 10 times in a row. The end result of that was my phone resetting, including wiping all the pictures I'd taken since middle of May (i.e., basically any and all photos I'd taken that I would have typically used for blogging). It could've been worse. I could've had photos back a year or something. But I was still upset.

I re-took four month photos of Parker. Not the same given that it's now two weeks late, but better than nothing.

Parker's Fourth Month Photo | shirley shirley bo birley Blog
Parker's Fourth Month Photo | shirley shirley bo birley Blog
Parker's Fourth Month Photo | shirley shirley bo birley Blog

Similar to Evie's monthly photos, I'm taking monthly photos of Parker until 12 months: Parker's Monthly Photos.

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