Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Horseshoe Bend Layout

Layout of the Horseshoe Bend picture that I gushed about.


The paint-on-cardstock thing worked out well. Pretty spontaneous for me. Although more and more, "spontaneous" really just means "too lazy to be a perfectionist" when it comes to my scrapbooking. I'm good with that though. I think I'd consider the layout perfect had I not had a slip of the hand and accidentally placed an errant spot of paint outside of my imaginary square. I'm probably a square for even complaining that I painted outside the square in a hobby where nothing is ever really right or wrong.

BTW. Glee Britney episode next week! I'm so excited! This warrants watching some Britney music videos ahead of the Glee episode. Starting . . . now.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

National Merit Semi-Finalist

This boy is kind of a big deal. He amazes me.


He called to tell me that he's a National Merit Scholarship Program semi-finalist. What! Truth be told, even I (as good of a student as I was) didn't make it as far as a semi-finalist. I'm pretty dang impressed and proud. I hope he makes it to finalist.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Double Rainbow

Perhaps you've seen this YouTube video with a guy who is out-of-this-world excited about a double rainbow that he spots outside his front yard:

And perhaps, since your interest in this new age hippie was piqued, you decided to click on this related YouTube video where his I'm-high-on-who-knows-what-and-how-much-of-it words/sobbing are set to music:

And then imagine hearing this little ditty 2-3 times in a row at 6:30 in the morning while you are trying to eke out the last few moments of delicious slumber. Congratulations! You've just experienced a moment of "What it's like to be married to Greg." Aren't you jealous?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Serious Face

This is what I get when I ask for a serious picture of the two of us:


Me playing along:


Me asking again for a serious picture:


Me playing along again, just to find that I'm the only one without a serious face:


Finally, two serious faces. About time.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Accounting Blogs

I admit, I love me some blogs.

The other day, Greg made a point of noting that I've read 1,403 blogs over the past 30 days. Then he said he didn't feel bad for me when I claimed to be too busy, because clearly I wasn't. I beg to differ, but I might lose on that one. (To be fair, I don't actually READ every single word of every post. Sometimes I just skim and other times I just look at the pictures).

Although the majority of my blogs are of the crafty variety, I also follow some Accounting blogs, as nerdy as that may sound and/or be. My favorite is Going Concern. I've heard that re: The Auditors is pretty good. I also follow my company's recruiting blog. And although they don't update it anymore, Stuff Accountants Like has some good shiz (insight into what it's like to be an auditor and whathaveyou).

By the way. Who else is excited for the return of Glee on September 21st?! Britney Spears episode this season!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Conversations with an Exchange Student

S = Shirley (a.k.a. Shiarly)
G = Greg (a.k.a. The Greak)
Y = exchange student

Via text message:
S: I will plan to pick you up from the library around 5:45.
Y: Now I'm in the Greak's office!

What the heck does that mean? In my head, I know he meant Greg. But man. Greak? Greg told me that my name is spelled as "Shiarly" in his phone. Nice!

Over Facebook:
G: Tomorrow is Friday.
Y: Really????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An hour or two later, in person:
Y: Tomorrow, I still have school.
G & S: Yes . . .
Y: Greg said tomorrow is Friday.
G: Yes, tomorrow is Friday
Y: Oh, so tomorrow is not holiday?

I'm not really sure where the confusion was with that conversation. I think he somehow got the word "Friday" confused with the Labor Day holiday on Monday. Don't ask me how.

During dinner:
S: So did you turn in your form?
Y: Form?
S: Form is that paper you signed. Did you turn it into your community aide?
Y: Ah yes.
S: So you gave it to that lady at school?
Y: Yes. Yes.
G: Who did you give it to?
Y: (silence)
S: So did you turn in your form?
Y: Form?
S: Yeah, it's that paper you signed last week.
Y: Ah, no. Maybe the day after tomorrow.

Oh ::tear::. Mako's English was better, since she came to stay with us in the spring semester. This time around, we got him pretty fresh from Japan, so his English and his communications with us have been interesting.

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